
His Majesty the King presents the National Sociology and Political Science Prize 2014 to D. Emilio Lamo de Espinosa y Michels de Champourcin

Pictures and speeches at the National Sociology and Political Science Prize 2016 ceremony

His Majesty the King presented the National Sociology and Political Science Prize to Emilio Lamo de Espinosa and Michels de Champourcin

Madrid, 23 March 2017: Yesterday, Wednesday 22 March at 12:00h at the Royal Palace of El Pardo, His Majesty the King presented the 2016 National Sociology and Political Science Prize to sociology professor Emilio Lamo de Espinosa in recognition of his career of professional and academic excellence.

The event was attended by the Government Vice President and Minister of the Presidency, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría and the President of CIS, Cristóbal Torres Albero.

The panel of judges for this edition comprised the former president of CIS, Félix Requena; the Sociology Chair at the Complutense University of Madrid Joaquín Arango Vila-Belda; the Sociology Chair at the Public University of Navarre Josetxo Beriaín Razquin; the Sociology Chair at the University of La Laguna Teresa González de la Fe; the Political Science Chair at the National University of Distance Education Carmen González Enríquez; the Political Science and Administration Chair at the University of Valencia Pablo Oñate Rubalcaba; and the Sociology Chair at the Autonomous University of Madrid Cristóbal Torres Albero.

Biografía : Emilio Lamo de Espinosa

