The Sociological Research Center is an autonomous body attached to the Ministry of the Presidency, Relations with the Courts and Democratic Memory whose purpose is the scientific study of Spanish society. To fulfill this purpose, it exercises functions such as:
- The programming, design and realization of studies that contribute to the scientific knowledge of Spanish society, mainly through the execution of surveys.
- The programming, design and realization of studies that contribute to the scientific knowledge of the social reality of the different Autonomous Communities.
- Carrying out studies that provide diagnoses on social situations and issues and serve as guidance to the public powers in their regulatory and executive initiatives.
- The creation and maintenance of databases.
- The development of documentation work and the dissemination of the results of the body's scientific activity, as well as other studies of an academic nature that contribute to the scientific knowledge of Spanish society.
- The promotion and encouragement of applied social research, through the organization of courses and seminars, the announcement of scholarships, grants and prizes, and the participation in training programs for technicians and specialists in the field.
- The promotion of scientific collaboration with university and research centers to carry out joint research projects, for the training of researchers in social sciences, for participation in meetings and congresses, both nationally and internationally, and for carrying out exchange and cooperation plans with specialized Spanish and foreign entities.
The empirical research of the CIS is carried out in accordance with the principles of universalism, community, disinterest, organized skepticism, voluntary response, investigative transparency, specialty and protection of personal data.
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