
Published the book A Life and Twenty Fragments

Madrid, 24 October 2023


Trayectorias 8

Author: Mª Ángeles Durán

When he accepted the invitation to write his intellectual autobiography, he did not imagine it would be so difficult.

Self-censorship has cost him interruptions, barriers that he was not able to cross. How far does the right to speak about oneself and others go? Alone with his own memory, he has relived moments of anguish and splendor.

He received his first notions of the world through stories and prayers; His youth was marked by the death of his father and his incorporation into a University that was boiling with desire for change; She later assumed the purpose of renewing science, opening a space for women in all fields of knowledge; has known the gall and honey of academic life; He fondly remembers his intellectual and emotional bridges with colleagues and institutions in Europe, the United States and Latin America.

The story closes with the fatigue of the passage of time and a nod to hope; If the extension were lenient, how would he live the rest of his life?

Accompanies the autobiography with a selection of publications on inequality, the social situation of women, unpaid work, urban planning, the renewal of science and care. They are only a small portion of his work, but they invite the reader to continue on their own.

María Ángeles Durán received the National Prize for Sociology and Political Science in 2018, an award granted by the Center for Sociological Research as "recognition of an outstanding scientific career in the field of sociology."

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