Research grants

Every year, the CIS awards scholarships and grants in order to promote and foster applied social in subject areas of interest for the institution. These research scholarships and grants are aimed essentially at the exploitation of its Data Bank and the conclusion of doctoral theses on political science or sociology.

La Orden PRE/593/2016 , de 21 de abril aprueba las nuevas bases reguladoras para la concesión de estas ayudas para la investigación.

Latest edition (2023)

Summary of the edition

Official Announcement
Call Resolution
Registration and enrolment

Electronic Headquarters Ministry of the Presidency - Equipo

Electronic Headquarters Ministry of the Presidency - Individual o Tesis

Original research projects on the social and political scene.
Number of scholarships and amounts

8 grants for the exploitation of the CIS Data Bank:
Individual: € 6,000
Investigative team: € 10.000
2 Aid for the completion of doctoral theses: € 5,000 each.

See in the article Second of the Call Resolution
Necessary documentation

ANNEX I- Individual Instance (investigation / thesis)
ANNEX II- Instance of investigation teams.

ANNEX III.- Responsible Declaration Compliance Requirements
ANNEX IV.- Responsible Declaration Public Subsidy

Curriculum Vitae (max 6 sheets)
Documentation accrediting research conducted in the last 5 years.
Proof of being in possession of a master's degree, access to a doctorate, DEA, research proficiency or doctor's degree (mandatory IP of the team.
Brief report of the research or thesis project (2,500 words).

For the aid of completion of doctoral theses: proof of the director that is in the phase of Finalizacíón. Certificate from the university to which it was presented for reading.

For more information, it is recommended to revise paragraphs 2 and 3 of the resolution of the call.

Application deadline

20 working days, from the following to the publication of the extract of the Resolution in the BOE . Completion term: Mar 3, 2023 inclusive.

Current situation

Informe de 3 de abril de 2023 del Órgano instructor, por el que se propone la Resolución provisional del Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, que hace pública la adjudicación de subvenciones para formación e investigación en materias de interés para el Organismo para el año 2023.

Secretariat and information

For any further information, you may contact the Research Promotion Service: