Revista Española de la Opinión Pública (REOP)

The Revista Española de la Opinión Pública (1965-1977) was the predecessor of the Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas (REIS). As indicated in issue 0 of April 1965, its objective was to disseminate the scientific aspects linked to the study of public opinion and contribute to the enrichment of the political life of our country.

Many articles by researchers and scholars of the Social Sciences were published in the REOP, some of whom, over the years, became prestigious Spanish and Spanish-speaking academics, sociologists and political scientists.

It is a reference publication for any student of Spanish and international society and politics of those years and which is now and since November 2020 offered in open access online.

In this section you will have open access to the contents covered in all published issues, from 0 to 50. You will also have access to the original physical copies available in our Library in case you wish to be consulted.